How to build a Power BI report
This blog is about how we build a PowerBI report using PowerBI.
A Power BI report is a multi-perspective view of a dataset, with visuals that represent different findings and insights from that dataset. A report can have a single visual or pages full of visuals. You also may be a business user who consumes or uses reports.
Let`s start to create a report in PowerBI.
- To create a report first we require a dataset. So here I am going to use sample data set which is by default available into PowerBi.
Here I am using the “Procurement Analysis Sample” dataset.
2. After successfully adding the dataset, Click on your dataset to create a new report. Now you can see a blank canvas.
3. Here I am going to visualize the data. Also below the image, you can see the visualizations and fields of the dataset.
4. Now I am going to create the pie-chart, map-chart, and Stacked area chart. For all the chart visualization you can see in the below image.
5. After that I going to save my report as report_1.
6. After that I am going to create live dashboard from the report.
7. You can see that our dashboard will available as live on the web as well as in the mobile layout.
I hope you will understand these things…